We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of 3 in 1 Phosphating Solutions from Pune, Dehu, Maharashtra, India.

(3 in 1 solution for degreasing, dedusting and phosphating) Three in One Solution is a versatile solution formulated to remove light grease, oil, mill scale, rust from iron and steel surfaces. Three in One Solution converts the surface to a complex iron phosphate compound which is totally passive to oxidation. The treated articles can be oiled or painted directly for further rust resistance. Three in One Solution can be applied either by wiping or by dipping the articles in the solution.


  • Appearance: Clear liquid Specific gravity: 1.20 ± 0.01 (at 300C)

Method of Application:

  • By Hand : Three in One Solution is ideally applied by swabbing or by brushing. The concentration to be used would depend on the extent of the soils to be removed. The solution is swabbed & allowed to stay for 3 to 5 minutes after which it is cleaned with saw dust or a dry cloth, before the surface dries.
  • Three in One Solution may be used directly or diluted up to 10 times with water depending on the type of metals and amount of contamination.
  • By Dipping : For small to moderate sized parts, it may be used by immersion in a tank made of SS 316 or in a MS tank lined with PVC, PP, FRP or in a Plastic tank. The parts should then be rinsed and dried by hot air or wiped dry immediately. Following process parameters may be followed depending on metal and soil contamination.

Safety Precautions :

Persons handling Three in One Solution should wear PVC / Rubber gloves If it falls on eyes or skin it should be washed off with plenty of fresh water

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