We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of Cleaning Thinners from Pune, Dehu, Maharashtra, India.

Product Ingredients: Combination of Aliphatic & Aromatic Solvents & Ketonic, Esters [70% aliphatic solvent]

Product Data
Density at 300C 0.8 +/- 0.02
Appearance Colorless Clear liquid.
Odor Typical Smell of aliphatic solvents Non irritating
% Volatile by Volume 100%
Evaporation Rate 04 min to 07 Min. On filter paper [41]
Physical State Liquid
pH Neutral
Distillation Range 500 C [first drop] 10ml-100ml [900;C - 1450 C]
It can be used as a thinner for synthetic Enamel. The main purpose of Thinner CL is cleaning jobs to remove oil & Grease

Fire & Explosion Data

  • Flash Point : Above 300C [320 C to 360 C]
  • Extinguishing Media : Carbon Dioxide / Dry Chemical Powder & Water
  • Special Fire Fighting : Should be adopted. Procedures

Health Hazard Information

  • Skin Contact : No Problem
  • Skin Absorption : Slight Irritation.
  • Eye Contact : Slight Irritation.
  • Ingestion : Non Toxic.
  • Effects of Overexposure : No Problem.

Emergency & First Aid Procedures

  • Eyes : Wash with Water.

Reactivity Data

  • Storage : Store in a clean, cool area protected from sunlight; Containers should be airtight & kept In a moisture free atmosphere, while removing the thinner take care that moisture from Air will not go inside the barrel.
  • Incompatibility : With water & In Isopropanol or lower alcohols.
  • Spill or Leak Procedures : Wipe out the spillage with cotton- Waste & Burn the same in safe area.
  • Neutralizing Chemicals : Clean with soap water.
  • Waste disposal method : It doesnt produce any disposable waste.
  • Ventilation Requirements : Excellent ventilation is required. Use efficient exhaust system.

Specific Personal Protective Equipments

  • Use air or protective mask
  • Eye : If necessary use safety goggles.
  • Gloves : If necessary use PVC gloves.

Special Precautions

Use non-sparking tool. There should not be any welding or firing instrument near the area, where the thinner being used or at the storage system. Prohibit using polyester clothes when handling the thinner as well as in the storage room. Do not smoke or lit fire while working & prohibit the complete area for the same where cleaning & painting is going on.
Disclaimer - The information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the guidance of the consumer. We cannot accept any responsibility for errors / mishaps since conditions under which our products may be used are beyond our control. Our Technical Support is always with you.