We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of Epoxy Clear Lacquers FL 101 from Pune, Dehu, Maharashtra, India.

TP EP FL CLEAR is the two-component system, designed to cross link at room temperature as well as low temp baking. Medium molecular weight Epoxy Resin is used in base component, contain average two epoxy groups per molecule which reacts with hardeners Epoxy, the same are converted into a hard, infusible, three-dimensional cross linked irreversible Thermoset film at an ambient or elevated temperature. TP Epoxy EP FL Clear is having outstanding chemicals resistance with high gloss and excellent hardness. It gives nice decorative appeal. Product gives adhesion to many types of substrates, excellent flexibility & abrasion resistance

Range of Application :

The system recommended for application on suitably primed steel structure exposed to chemical and industrial environment in refineries, petrochemicals, paper and pulp plants, food and pharmaceutical units, and fertilizer industries. This product can be applied on floor for protection from saline and chemicals. Can be used on Concrete surfaces. This product is recommended for use in sea weather (Coastal Areas).

Key Properties :

  • The ability to be cured rapidly or slowly over wide range of temperature. Cold curing and baking both are possible.
  • Low shrinkage during cure.
  • Excellent adhesion to many different substrates.
  • High level of mechanical strength, which is retained at, elevated temperatures.
  • Outstanding toughness and good flexibility.
  • Excellent solvent, Acid and Alkali resistance. Excellent water and alcohol resistance, salty water resistance. (Not recommended for immersion)
  • Unaffected by Oil and Grease, detergents.
  • Good electrical properties.
  • The System is suitable for Food & Pharma packaging industry.

Features :

Products Data
Type Two pack system clear cold or elevated temp. Cured.
Base Epoxy material thinned with suitable solvents. / Solvent less system is also available
Hardener Epoxy based on clear, transparent Polyamide Resin
Mixing Ratio Base: hardener by volume 2: 1
Storage life Individual Up to 10 months as long as the sealed Containers are kept under cover in dry place under normal temperature conditions.
Pot Life After mixing of Base and Hardener is Limited to 2-3 Hrs & in case of Solvent less System it is reduced to 40-45 minutes.
Application By Brush, Roller, and Airless and conventional spray with using TC/EP 102 Thinner
Recommended DFT 30 - 35µ per coat. In case of solvent less system it is 80 -100µ
Covering and spreading rate Theoretical (Practical by conventional spray). & on non-absorbent surface 10 - 12.5 Sq. Mtr/ Ltr. By brushing.
6.5 - 8 Sq.Mtr/Ltr.
Drying Time: Dry to handle 4 - 6 hrs.
Hard Dry Overnight.
Complete cure time 6 to 8 days (depending on R.T)
Over coating interval
Wet on Wet Over-coating
After 10 - 12 hrs.
After 30 Min
Flash Point Above 22° C. for solvent less it is above 50° C
Shade As per requirement, clear coating is also available
Packing 4 Ltrs. (Minimum) & As Per mixing ratio 20 & 10 Liter
Finish Glossy or Semi-glossy as per requirement
Thinner Epoxy.

Application :

Before application of topcoat TP Epoxy EP FL Clearly do all necessary pretreatment of the job. For M. S. surface, remove grease oil and other contamination by using proper degreasing agent. Blast cleans the surface for heavy rusting or remove with de-rusting chemicals to clean the surface. For old concrete, remove all salt deposition /fungal growth, loosely bound coatings, and dust particles and make the surface rough. Also, for new concrete coating do the needful pretreatment, priming and then apply topcoat EP- 101 Epoxy Paint. Use TP Epoxy Primer Red Oxide Zinc Phosphate or Zinc chromate before applying the topcoat. Stir the base component thoroughly and mix three parts of base and one part of hardener by volume to uniform consistency. Allow it for intermediate reaction for few min for stabilization and stir again before use. Make required viscosity as per application method with Epoxy Thinner. The pot lifetime is only limited so mix the materials as per requirement. Close the containers immediately, to avoid the chances of moisture absorption in material and solvent losses. Do not apply in humid condition, during raining or mist and fog or at very low temperature below 100 - 120 C.